A Non-Profit Supporting Autism Inclusion

Every Child is a not-for-profit organization established to support children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder and adults who care for them to be included in their early education environments. We believe that this will positively impact the rest of their lives and that our communities are enriched by their participation.

At its core level, inclusion values, appreciates and respects individual differences and the inherent diversity of our communities. While many adults hold these values as heartfelt, inclusion requires more than just our hearts, inclusion requires action. Daily active and Inclusive practices are behaviors and strategies that facilitate a sense of belonging for all members of a group. Practices or strategies to include children with a wide range of learning capabilities also require keen observation skills paired with knowledge of neuro-behavioral phenomenon underlying that which makes us human. Care-giving adults who are knowledgeable, who hold inclusion as a heartfelt mindset, and who utilize practices and strategies that are effective and evidenced based, are able to radically impact the development of the child. Specifically, they are able to impact the social and emotional skill development in young children that fosters the participation for every child.

Building inclusive practice, improving cultures, requires community engagement. Together with our partners (families, schools, organizations) Every Child facilitates the learning of inclusive practices by utilizing an implementation science framework.

Every Child has researched and developed early educator training modules on Evidence Based Practices that support the child with ASD and inclusion. Our aim is to further equip learning communities towards the mission of inclusion by offering hands‐on professional development opportunities and collaboration with agencies representing  the educational,  clinical, and scientific fields.

Mission Statement

Every Child is a not-for-profit organization operating since 2018, with a mission to equip early education communities to include children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Through research, education and funding our goal is to disseminate effective practices to create inclusive programs that benefit Every Child.

Vision Statement

Every Child, Inc. envisions inclusive early learning communities that have the power to positively alter the trajectory of children’s lives, both the children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and the peers surrounding them to impact later learning through increased empathy, a sense of belonging and social participation.